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BOOK: Death by China: Confronting the Dragon – A Global Call to Action

The world’s most populous nation and soon-to-be largest economy is rapidly turning into the planet’s most efficient assassin. Unscrupulous Chinese entrepreneurs are flooding world markets with lethal products.
China’s perverse form of capitalism combines illegal mercantilist and protectionist weapons to pick off American industries, job by job. China’s emboldened military is racing towards head-on confrontation with the U.S.
Meanwhile, America’s executives, politicians, and even academics remain silent about the looming threat. Now, best-selling author and noted economist Peter Navarro meticulously exposes every form of “Death by China,” drawing on the latest trends and events to show a relationship spiraling out of control.

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Peter Navarro holds a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University and was a professor emeritus of economics and public policy at the University of California-Irvine for more than 20 years.  He served as Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy at the White Houseduring the Trump Administration.

He is the author of numerous books, including his China trilogy: The Coming China Wars (2006)Death By China (2011), and Crouching Tiger (2015).

At the White House, Dr. Navarro advised President Trump on policies to increase economic growth, decrease trade deficits, and strengthen America’s defense industrial base. He also helped increase foreign military sales to allied nations, and reformed conventional arms transfer and unmanned aerial systems policies.

He produced the three volumes of The Navarro Report in his personal capacity to shed light on potentially illegal activity that may have occurred during the 2020 Presidential Election.

[Peter is] one of the most important people that served in the Trump administration and was loyal to the President to the very end, which is somewhat of a rarity…he has new book coming out! In Trump Time…Everyone check it out.

—Charlie Kirk of the Charlie Kirk Show Podcast



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